*NEW* From Pulling to Strolling - Polite Walking Workshop

From Pulling to Strolling

Are you regularly a passenger on the other end of your dog’s leash during walks? Do your shoulders ache from holding back your dog as they drag you down the sidewalk? Do you wish walks were more peaceful and under control?

You’re not alone! That’s why we’ve developed this loose leash walking workshop, so we can help you take back your walks!

This two-part workshop will give you and your dog the confidence and skills necessary to make walks in the park enjoyable again. Each level will include discussions, one-on-one coaching by a certified force-free trainer and homework so you can continue your training at home. 

These workshops are for pro-social dogs and are not suitable for dogs showing signs of reactivity or aggression. If you are unsure if the workshop is a good fit for your dog, please contact us to discuss!

Level One: Take Back Your Walks

In this workshop you will learn the basics for teaching a loose leash walk as well as other strategies to ensure success through the training process. You will learn about equipment, emergency skills, management and how to put polite walking behavior "on cue".

Pre-requisites | Proof of up-to-date vaccinations, no prior training required.

For | Dogs of all ages.

Length | 1.5 hour workshop

Cost | $75.00

Class Date | Friday, October 13th & November 24th at 6:45pm PST

Level Two: A Walk in the Park

In this workshop you will further develop the skill by working around multiple distractions. You will continue to learn your dog's body language and how to help them succeed in any situation. Level two is open to anyone who has completed the training in level one or who has completed the Mind Your Manners group class.

Pre-requisites | Your must have completed Mind Your Manners or Pulling to Strolling Level One. You must provide proof of your dog’s vaccinations.

For | Dogs of all ages.

Length | 1.5 hour workshop

Cost | $75.00

Class Date | Friday, November 10th & January 5th at 6:45pm PST

Bundle and save!

While level one is going to get you off to a great start on your polite walking journey, level two is where the magic happens. We recommend signing up for both workshops so you can ensure that your dog’s polite walking is not just a trick, but becomes a habit. We want to ensure your dog’s polite walking skills are reliable and solid, no matter what environment they are in!

Sign up for both workshops today and save on your registration fees!